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  • kansascitycaracci

When Should You Hire a Car Accident Lawyer

The Three Times When Hiring A Car Accident Lawyer May Be in Your Best Interest

Do you need to hire a car accident lawyer? That is the question a majority of people ask once they have been in an accident. I have been in quite a few myself. I can tell you that I never hired one (mainly because I could not afford one). I relied on and put my faith in the insurance companies and the other parties to handle it. That was a big mistake on my part. I came out of it, well, relatively unscathed (I was lucky). However, many of you might not so lucky. 

That is why I hope you can learn from the hard lessons I had to learn.


You need to know about all potential damages, even the ones they do not talk about. 

Some damages the other side will keep hidden so they can get more money, or they will lie about the extent of the damage to get a new house. 

(Yeah, that happened to me too).

The lady lied about the overall damages and her property was renovated to something grander (that was one lesson I had to learn the hard way) I was very innocent back then. I encourage you to learn from this. 


You will not be able to negotiate with the insurance companies yourself (even yours). I had to learn that the hard way too, Hire someone.


They can and will use the law against you. Yes, that happened to me as well. You need to hire someone who knows the law inside and out. 

For more information, see Kansas City Car Accident Lawyer.

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